Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An almost brush with death

I just had the most fearful but awesome experience, that beyond any doubt, proved the protection of God to me. My car has been acting crazy for months now. This has went wrong. That has went wrong. I have gotten so disgusted that I wanted to take it to the junk yard and park it. But, I have been driving it and ignoring the noise that it has been making lately. It started out with the steering wheel shaking, so I had a bad tire and put a new one on. Well, that was only a temporary fix.

It kept shaking, so i assumed that I had another bad tire. I got fed up, and just turned the radio up louder, ignored it, and hoped it would go away. I am a bit of a dare devil when it comes to mechanical issues. I ignore them until catastrophic events force me to fix the car. It really gripes me, because I see it as a waste of money and I grumble about all the other things that I could have spent the money on. Anyway, I kept driving the car, knowing something was wrong. Yesterday I drove it to my parents house and it is about an hours drive from where I live. It is a straight shot from Cleveland to where my parents live, so I set my cruise control on 55 and take off. I drove this two hour drive and when I got back to Cleveland my whole car was thumping (like I had a flat) and it was shaking wildly. I checked the car, no flat, but the car was still acting crazy. I finally make it home (not knowing if I was going to make it or not).

I got up this morning and drove the car once again to the college I am attending. I live about a 2 minute drive, and had to turn in some vital paper work by 4pm today, so I had no choice but to drive the car. Today, the car was acting insane. It sounded like the whole bottom of the car was going to fall out. When I pulled into the school parking lot, I looked at one of my tires and the wires were sticking out of the tire.  It was in horrible condition, and at this point I am scared to death I will not get home. Still, I get in the car to drive home........very slowly. After I get home, I asked my neighbor to help change the tire and when he took it off I was in total shock. Not only were the wires sticking out, but the whole inside of the tire was eaten up......there was hardly any tire left. The whole tire was whop sided, but you could not see how eaten up it was from the outside. I wish I could upload a photo so I could really let others see this. I was in total shock that I had not had a serious accident yesterday because of the rate of speed I was traveling.

I called my mom to tell her this story because I was convinced that God's protection was all over me. She says to me: "Tammy, it is so odd you are saying this. Yesterday, after you said you were coming, I had the weirdest feeling about it. I almost called you to tell you not to come, but I was afraid it might hurt your feelings. Do you not remember me telling you over and over to be careful?" She told me the thought bugged her all day until I got there. She did tell me over and over to be careful, which is unusual for my mom because it is usually my dad that worries about everything.

I did think it was strange how many times she stressed to me to be careful. Of course, I blew it off as mom being overprotective. This thing was really weird because the thought ran through my mind several times yesterday about having a wreck. I knew the car had been shaking and if a tire blew out, at the speed I was traveling, I knew it could be fatal. I kept having these inner flashes of me in a car accident, still I blew it off as me being paranoid. Even that did not deter me. I still went along my merry way. And today when I saw the awful condition of that tire, I cried. I said, "Oh God, no one would believe this, but I know you spared my life."


  1. i'm glad you're ok tammy. that was a close one!

  2. Terri
    This really was a crazy experience. I did not explain that tire very well. It would require a photo for anyone to believe it. It amazes me how God watches over us, even when we do foolish things. I think I was trying to cheat death.
