Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sweet Holy Spirit

The Bible it tells us in God's word so true
The sweet Holy Spirit is promised to you
It sat upon Jesus in the form of a dove
When John was baptizing God's Dearly Beloved

Sweet Holy Spirit I'm down on my knees
I am low in the valley, I am so weak you see
I know I can make it for I trust in thee
The sweet Holy Spirit is falling on me

Sweet Holy Spirit, Oh how I love thee
For being a comfort so many times
And for strengthening me
For I could not make it across life's troubled sea
If the sweet Holy Spirit should ever leave me

So sweet Holy Spirit, don't ever leave me

Here are the words to a song i really like to listen to. I did not post it from you tube because my blogging buddies would prob not like the tune.  It is a very country sounding song, but man the words.  When I listen to this song I melt.  There is just nothing that this life has to offer that can compare to the fellowship of God's holy spirit.  There is something so salty about the taste of Jesus that creates a thirst that cannot be quenched except by Him alone.  I wonder what life looks like, tastes like, to truly be in love with Jesus? I wonder what the chaste heart looks like, one purged of all of the Master's rivals?

John Donne has a beautiful quote in the Holy Sonnets. This was not a love poem. This was a mighty prayer directed toward God:

'Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me."


  1. beautiful. i love your heart tammy.

  2. Thanks Terri. But, I will be honest, sometimes I look into my heart and become so grieved. There is a whole lot of mud puddles. I am praying that it keeps me on my knees and dependent on Jesus.
