Friday, November 11, 2011

Catch up time

Hello Blog world. I have been away from this place for some time now.  It has been a while since I have spoken to many of my friends in blogland that I love and miss. Sorry guys. There were several things going on in my life at the time when I stopped blogging. In all honesty most of the things were excess drama that I brought into my life through some very BAD choices. I was about to affectionately title myself, "Drama Moma." Luckily, no one else has given me the pleasure of this title. If so, I would go on and stab myself in the chest and leap from a very tall steeple.......was that over the top in the drama department?

About the new title........I wanted to open this space up to my thoughts about God and the new path that I have found myself traveling. Have patience with me my friends. I don't really know how else to address an issue but to be plain spoken and honest and cry for mercy in the midst of it. I do realize that i have this annoying "religious" sounding tone at times and I am trying to catch that and temper it. But, if you detect it please overlook me. Just roll your eyes and say, "Tammy is riding the religious subway again. Just let her miss a couple of stops and eventually she'll realize she has missed the "time to get off the train" point and turn around. We love her though........cause she's "spa-cial."

Why did I choose that photo? It is one of the most powerful representations of the glory of God that I have found and I remember the first time I ever saw it. I was in a church in Florida where someone had painted this huge painting on the wall behind the pulpit. It was awesome. I was captivated by it.

Some major things took place in my life, spiritually speaking, last December. I had a drastic encounter with a crisis and a drastic encounter with God in the midst of it. I have since been on a steady path to find myself and where I fit with God. I have found a lot of things about myself that I really dislike. They are ugly, but I also am finding the grace of God in the midst to help me see out of a me that I don't want to keep becoming. Honestly, it has taken so many years for me to truly say, "I really don't want to be that Tammy anymore." I never thought that day would come. I loved my pet sins and I loved to wallow in them.........that is true. Ugly. But true.

However, I am still me and my "Me-ness" is gonna pop out in my twisted humor. I just can't help myself. 


  1. YAY! You are blogging again, and I am so happy about that.

    Not sure why you were having trouble typing in your blog address on my other blogs, but the one you typed on my old Lilies blog worked fine.

    Now I am subscribed to your blog and will be able to keep up with your writings. I can't wait to hear more of the journey you've been walking. I'm so privileged to have walked some of your journey with you.


  2. So glad to see you again!!! I love you, friend . . . I'm glad you're here.

  3. Glad to see you again Tammy (I found you over at Terri's). Ha ha, we are all stalking you again!!

    It's good to see you again. Really good.

  4. Hey Christianne. I will explain that blog address thing later. Anyway. You found me. :)

    Hi Sarah. Long time no see. You are having another baby? WOW!

    Hi Kirsten!! It is good to hear from you again. YAY!
